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The coverage is great. The color is picked was lighter than expected. Applies really nice as well. Can8217t Stop Won8217t Stop Concealer Before After: Admittedly, the foundation is much more matte than I usually go, but it doesn't look dry at all. Think: Matte coverage in a velvety way, not a cracking, chalky kind of way. LABIOTTE by f. c. Last updated Mar 23, 2021 2,235 comments I personally do not wear makeup, but I gotta say I8217m impressed with NYX and how many safe products they have! Why go there?nbspHead to Shelter for an intense, unforgettable night out. Itrsquos not for the faint-hearted. A 24-hour licence, all-black deacutecor and a bassy sound system at ear-drum-perforating levels make this club one for the rsquoeads. So useful reference much hertz it hurts (in a good way).