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Causes and effects of using too much of mobile phones With the advent of technology and the endeavor to bring out the best in technology is becominga threat for the individuals. Without giving the slightest hint it has some adverse effects as well as some uses too. The mobile phones or smart phones are the product of this technology that has paved its way in to the lives of every individual. Not only adults but many youngsters own this device and cherish the moments without realizing that they are wasting most of their time. I am writing this thesis analysis chapter discursive essay on the topic on the advantages and disadvantages of having mobile phones at work and school. Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular and are becoming a part of people’s life which there is more and more problems appearing every day which has arisen some questions, such as whether they should be at school or in a workplace. The advantages of having mobile phones in school are quite a substantial amount considering the...