And with that, one of the most successful poker YouTube channels turned out the lights for the last time. The videos are only available to paid subscribers through the lab on the site. Being able to download them would allow people to upload them to YouTube, sell them for profit etc. Doe mee en win een plek in Team If you8217;ve been living in a hole and poker sites play money don8217;t know who Nick Petrangelo is, you8217;ve been missing out on tournament wisdom from one of the great poker tournament strategists. In September 2018, he said he will quit playing poker but continued to add videos to his YouTube channel. This thread summarizes the absurd claims @UpswingPoker brought against me in a lawsuit in 2018. My new module in the @UpswingPoker Lab is finally up on my match against @RealKidPoker. All large hands that did not go showdown revealed…. Small taste for free here. The rest is now available for members.