It is listed under the currency code ETC and traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, and the Greek uppercase Xi character (Ξ) is generally used for its currency symbol. It is also used to pay for transaction fees and computational services on the Ethereum Classic network. The other key difference between these two cryptos is that while Ethereum Classic has a permanent supply of 210 million coins, Ethereum’s supply can change. This means momentum and increased demand can have an even bigger impact on Ethereum Classic’s value because supply is limited. But how many bitcoin are in existance there’s even more reason to be bullish on Ethereum Classic&8230; despite the wild run it’s already been on. Previously, Ethereum Classic has plunged by 13% as all eyes have been on ETC and the other Ethereum alternatives as the crypto community near The Merge. After the Merge is finalized, Hoskinson and Buterin have discussed the best course of action for Ethereum miners.