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Grant guidelines How to use application system? Good list. Is there a list also of NGO groups and their contact information that is accessible online? A database of important resources would really be useful. I8217;ve started one for Arima and environs and would appreciate any assistance to make it even more comprehensive and useful to residents and visitors of the Borough alike. Address: EFTA House, Avenue des Arts 19H, 1000 Brussels, Belgium A grant proposal is a request for funding that organizations submit to grant-making bodies. For grantwriting, those skills include the ability to seek clear answers to challenging questions; to analyze data; to organize people and time, special information and to write in plain English. There are several excellent books that walk prospective grantseekers through the process of preparing quality proposals. For those seeking foundation grants, I highly recommend Jeremy Miner and Lynne Miner, Proposal Planning and Writing, 4th edition (Greenwood Press, 2008). For applicants for American federal grants, Lanie Bailey (ed.), Winning Strategies for Developing Proposals and Managing Grants, 3rd edition (Thompson, 2007) is outstanding.